
August 20, 2012

Tomorrow marks 8 weeks!  Whoa!  Time seems to be creeping by, for sure…and flying by at the same time.  Funny how it can do that.  I had the worst stomach issues over the weekend…and not baby related.  Apparently I ate something that DID NOT agree with me and suffered for it on Saturday and Sunday (mostly Sunday).  It sounds like a couple other folks were dealing with a similar issue so I am thinking it was some kind of minor food poisoning.  Hoping it didn’t do anything to the little one.

Our first appointment is coming up on Thursday!  Hoping and praying we see a heartbeat and learn that everything is going ok with his/her development.  I think we’ll get u/s pictures too, which I’m excited to use to announce the news to my family.

Speaking of announcing, Becky and Jack come in to town Labor Day weekend and if everything is going well we’re planning to tell my side of the family the weekend after Labor Day because hopefully my parents will be up from Atlanta so we can tell them all in person!  Still trying to think of the best way to break the news.  We think sharing this type of news is super important and I personally think it should be done in a thoughtful way.  So, I guess the brainstorming needs to continue.  I am SO excited to tell my family. I think we’ll get a positive, excited response from everyone.  It’s been 13 years since a grandbaby was introduced to our side of the family…about time for another one!  Now I’m just hoping Becky and Jack will get on the baby-making train!  And Tracy and Rob, too :).

We’re planning to tell Brian’s side of the family at his Dad’s 60th birthday celebration, September 28th.  Again, the whole family will be gathered and by that point I will be about 13 weeks along and hopefully even more sure of the healthy progress of baby.  Hoping for good reactions all around.  I guess we’ll find out!

My weight is still only 2lbs more than my average before I found out I was expecting.  I’m ok with that.  It seriously depends on how regular I am, though.  I can fluctuate 3-4 lbs if I haven’t had a daily cb (code brown…our code word for BMs).  Brian was extra sweet this weekend.  He took it upon himself to deep clean our bathroom, thoroughly clean the downstairs and let me sleep and lounge all weekend to try to feel better.  He did it all without complaining and with a joyful heart.  He sure is something else; so glad to have such a great husband who cares for me and love Jesus so much!

Counting down the days before our first appointment.  It seems like ages ago that I called to schedule this visit and now it’s only 3 days away.  Yippee!!  Oh, and we decided to start the belly shots at 9 weeks, assuming everything goes well at our doctor’s appointment.

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