
September 13, 2012

We got to see our little one again today!! It was SO neat!  S/he was really active and as soon as the u/s wand was pushed up there s/he started waving its little arms and kicking its feet!  It was either saying, “Hi, Mom and Dad!” or else it was saying, “Get that thing out of my face.”  Either way it was hilarious and precious all in the same moment!  Needless to say I got a quick tear in my eye.

It was very weird to see him/her moving around so much and yet not feel anything.  I think my SIL mentioned this when she was at her anatomy scan at 18 weeks.  She could see the little guy moving around but hadn’t yet felt him move.  I guess I can kind of relate…on a much smaller scale.

It was nice to get to chat with the Dr. today.  He is great and very funny.  I got to ask him about my running and heart rate.  Seems that I need to maybe slow it down just a tad.  I told him my target heart rate was below 160 and he said as long as I can run and hold a conversation without being severely out of breath I am OK.  Well, I’ve never been able to run and hold a good conversation, so I’m just going to take that as, slow it down slightly so you heart rate isn’t spiking and try to maintain it around 150ish.  Overall, I feel pretty good when I run.  There are of course days when I’m more out of breath and sluggish and then there are days when I feel amazing and feel like I can go forever.  We’ll see how it progresses as my belly starts to actually extend (it really hasn’t yet).

So for all you curious folks, here is little one’s 2nd photo shoot!  S/he is starting to look more and more human and like a little baby!  We are smitten.  Well, at least I am :)!

2 Responses to “10w6d”

  1. Becky Says:

    Is that a profile shot on the bottom? If so, cute nose! 🙂

    • thelowthers Says:

      I don’t think it’s a profile. The dr. didn’t say it was and it didn’t seem like the baby turned when he took that picture. So, I think the nose remains to be seen 🙂

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