
September 28, 2012

Sorry for the absence.  Brian and I took a trip to CO to visit his aunt last week and I didn’t have a chance to update.  Then, upon coming home you know how work goes when you go on vacation.  It’s almost like you should never go on vacation in the first place because the work piles up so much while you’re gone you end up working late to catch up when you get back!  But who am I kidding, I love vacations.

And, we had a wonderful time in CO with Nancy and Winn!  We love you guys and miss you already!  Seriously, it was such a joy to get to know them better and spend some good times chatting it up, hiking it up and eating some great food :).

I think I’m finally getting over the extreme exhaustion stage.  Like, I can actually wake up around 6:30 or 7am and not feel like my world is in a fog.  Does that mean I’m rip roarin’ ready to go at 6:30 or 7am? Let’s be honest. No. Haha.  But it doesn’t take every ounce of will power to make my brain and muscles function so I can stumble to the bathroom for a quick pee before I tumble back in bed for another hour.  In fact, when Brian gets out of bed around 6am I find that it’s actually difficult for me to go back to sleep again.  All I can say is that I am thankful.  Thankful because I thought maybe I was just lazy; but I’m realizing that fatigue is just one of those things you go through whilst cooking a baby.

Speaking of Baby.  Today s/he is the size of a peach.  How fun!  Brian actually bought peaches for our lunches this week so I’ll get to imagine what baby’s size is when I whip mine out for lunch today.  Yum.  Is that weird?  Now, while baby seems to be growing…my belly sure doesn’t.  I guess it’s a good thing since I haven’t shared the news with hardly anyone yet.  But still, it does make it kind of funny/awkward when you tell people and they immediately look at your belly.  All I can think is, man, they probably think I’m just barely along.  Second trimester in one week!  Woot!

Here are my 11 & 13 week pictures…for comparison

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